Sunday, January 26, 2020

Another Day, Another Destiny

Hey everyone!!

Marjory's baptism this week was so good! She even bore her testimony at it, which I didn't think she would do since she's pretty quiet and was really nervous. It was really sweet and she is so excited to join her family in the temple someday. The elders who found her got special permission to come too and she was so excited to have all four of her missionaries there!

Other than that, this week was pretty basic. It snowed a lot at the beginning and one day we weren't allowed to drive. I was on exchanges with a sister and she just kept saying "Wow, I feel like a real missionary now!"

Other highlights-
-I beat one of my Zone Leaders in ping pong which I was pretty proud of
-4 of us got matching Bob Ross tshirts (pictures below)
-I learned how to drive in the snow!
-I learned that I hate driving in the snow!
-I got to visit Hossein and Leila and their kids! I hadn't seen them since their baptism so it was really fun getting to talk to them again:)

I love you all!!

Love, Sister Rigby

One Day More

Hey everyone! Happy New Year!

This week was SO GREAT! We finished teaching Marjory everything yesterday and scheduled her baptismal interview for next week, then she will get baptized on the 19th! Sister Ko and I are so excited! It's so crazy how much love you can grow for a person you just met a month ago, but that's what the gospel of Jesus Christ is all about.

Also- I am SO PUMPED for Come, Follow Me this year! If y'all haven't read the Prophetic Promises at the beginning if the manual, READ THEM. It's so cool. There is so much power in the Book of Mormon!

In other news... uhhhh. There's really not much to talk about haha. Oh! Well I guess Friday was fun because we had MLC and then my last companion, Sister Tanner, and her companion couldn't get back to the island because there was a big storm so they stayed with us an extra night and we went on splits while finding! So I got to go back with my old companion:) We also got to make mochi with some returned missionaries from Japan! That was super fun too. It was a pretty great week!

Love you all!!

Love, Sister Rigby


Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

This week was really great! Today we got a message from the elders that found Marjory saying that she told them this morning that she is starting to believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that the Book of Mormon is true! We are SO excited! I have absolutely loved getting to see Marjory's faith grow. When we had our lesson yesterday, she prayed and prayed that her faith would grow and that she would be able to know the truth. I love her so much!

As many of you know, my brother got married this week too! I got to call right as he and Sadie came out of the temple. It was so amazing! My mom describes it as "miserable joy" and I think that fits perfectly how I felt. I am so sad that I missed being there, but beyond happy for Warner and Sadie. I am also happy because I get to be here in Canada teaching people where true joy comes from! A mission is definitely a sacrifice, but the outcome is something I would never pass up for anything in this world.

Something fun we have been doing with the sisters while knocking on exchanges is, after we share our initial message, we ask if we can play bigger or better with the person at the door. We played it last night and ended up with a pogo stick! I also learned that I cannot pogo to save my life. Almost broke my face, but God really protects His missionaries hahah.

I love you all, have a great week!

Love, Sister Rigby

1 Nephi 19:9 ❤💚


This week was pretty hectic. It was transfer week, so Sister Ko and I had to drive all the new sisters to their new areas. We were driving from 6am to 6pm... rip to our K's. We got three new sets of sisters in the zone all opening new areas which is pretty exciting. We only knew about two of the sets and apparently so did the mission office because one set of sisters didn't even have an apartment. So we were rushing all day to find an apartment they could move into and SIM cards and stuff. It was insane! But all is well, we found an apartment and they all have SIM cards now hahah.

The rest of the week calmed down a bit. We got to teach Marjory the Plan of Salvation yesterday in front of the temple. She is so amazing!! She has a strong desire to know the truth. She's afraid that she won't know by her baptismal date, January 18th, but we promised her that as she continued to pray and read the Book of Mormon, she would know. Please pray for her! Her brother is getting sealed in the Manila temple in the Philippines next month, so it was really amazing to be able to teach her about eternal families sitting outside the temple

I am so excited to spend Christmas as a missionary! This whole season has already been incredible as I've gotten to focus completely on Jesus Christ at this time! I hope all of you take some time to remember Him on the day we celebrate His birth.

Also, CONGRATULATIONS TO WARNER AND SADIE!!! I love you so much and I'm so happy for you!! And excited to get a new sister!!! Enjoy the warmth in Hawaii for me

Love, Sister Rigby

PS- the scripture in my subject line is one of my favorites about Jesus Christ. It's not about His birth, but it's about why He came:)

The Best Worst Week Ever

Hey everyone!

Sorry I don't have time to respond to all of you, but I've read your emails and I appreciate them so much!

This week was probably the worst week of my mission haha. Well, it's up there on the leader board of worst weeks at least. Tuesday we got yelled out by a drunk guy in front of an entire mall which was super embarrassing. Right after that, we got in a car accident. Nothing bad at all! The most damage was a bent license plate. But it was still pretty rough since I've never been in a car accident and I was standing in the middle of the road in the pouring rain with no clue what to do, but we figured it all out haha.

On top of that, every single one of the people we are teaching (besides one) or the potentials we found last week either found anti, were offended, or just won't respond to us. It was person after person telling us no. We also had someone we are teaching's mom text us and tell us we were awful missionaries and need more "practice". It just seemed like everything this week went wrong.

BUT, we are getting to see a miracle unfold with the one person we are teaching who didn't former us! Her name is Marjory. She is the cutest girl ever!! She just got to Canada from the Philippines about 3 months ago. Sister Ko and I were leaving Surrey Central after a long day of finding and both of us felt like we needed to talk to this woman sitting on the bench. We started to talk to her and she tells us she met with some Elders in Burnaby that morning and then pulls out a Book of Mormon! Turns out those Elders were trying to figure out which set of missionaries in Surrey to send her to to continue teaching her. She ended up being younger than 30, so they passed her to us! After talking to Marjory and the Elders, we found out that Marjory's family in the Philippines are all members of our Church! Her soon to be sister-in-law just got back from serving a mission as well. Marjory said she was never interested until she felt like something was missing in her life. That day she saw a Book of Mormon posted for free on Facebook for the Burnaby elders. She met with them and is now being taught by us and has a baptismal date for January 18th!

Marjory made this entire awful week worth it. I would go through all the awfulness a million times if it means I can see Marjory be baptized and join her family in being sealed!

We also had transfer calls this week and BEST NEWS EVER! I'm staying in Fraser Valley YSA with Sister Ko!!! This week is already a million times better than last week. I am so excited to get to spend another transfer here! I love it so much!

I absolutely adore serving a mission. There is so much I would've missed out on if I had never come here. I am especially grateful for the bad things that have happened. Without them, I would not be able to feel as much joy as I have felt here!

I love you all! I swear I will do all I can to respond to everyone's emails next week!

Love, Sister Rigby


Hey hey everyone!!

This week was SO AMAZING!! Sister Ko and I were sooo busy everyday (which is the best thing ever as a missionary haha). We had Zone Conference and MLC which were both incredible and I learned so much. We also got to meet a lot of new people who are interested in learning more! So many miracles ❤

My love for Jesus Christ has grown so much on my mission, but this week was especially amazing. I decided to start every personal study by studying a few of the Topical Guide references of Jesus Christ. Our prophet challenged the young adults of the church to do this a few years ago because he did it himself. He said that he was a changed man because of it. I've only been doing it for about a week, but I already feel changed. There is great power when we keep our baptismal covenant of always remembering Him.

A quote that I have heard several times this week, including in the Christmas Devotional last night, is this-

"The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives." -Russell M. Nelson

It is SO TRUE! There is absolutely nothing we can lose and everything we can gain as we center our lives in Jesus Christ. He is the light and life of this world. Your life will be so much happier and so much more rewarding as you focus on Jesus Christ.

I love you all!

Love, Sister Rigby

The Best Month

Hey hey everyone!!

IT'S DECEMBER!! How is time flying by so quickly?! I'm just hoping the winter flies by as fast as
the summer did hahah. I'm not a huge fan of wearing three layers of tights.

This week I went on exchanges up in Chilliwack and while we were knocking this woman opened her door and goes "Ohhhhh my goodness it's so cold, come inside!!" And we were like heck yeah we got inside... then two seconds later she found out who we were and kicked us out into the cold again hahaha.

I sent the picture last week, but while me and Sister Ko were finding at Surrey Central we ran into Santa! He gave us some stuffed animals hahah it was the best. I'll send the pictures again

If you haven't seen The Christ Child video, GO WATCH IT!! Or even better, invite the missionaries into your home to do a Family Home Evening with it! With LightTheWorld going on, remember that we are the new star in the sky that leads others to Christ by our light. Remember the reason for Christmas!

I love you all!

Love, Sister Rigby